Dress It Up Dressing: Mediterranean Quinoa Bowl Recipe

Dress It Up Dressing: Mediterranean Quinoa Bowl Recipe

Do you love quinoa, but you aren't sure how to use it in a recipe? Here’s a little inspiration from our friends at Dress It Up Dressing—a woman-owned, certified B-Corpwith a line of six olive oil-based salad dressings.

*This recipe originally appeared on Dress It Up Dressing's website in this post.

Mediterranean Quinoa Bowl

This bowl has flavor and texture and is substantial enough for lunch or dinner.SIMPLi Regenerative Organic Certified® Quinoa, a local and ethically sourced Tri-Color blend, was used as the base. While there’s plenty of fiber and protein from the quinoa, the deliciously seasoned tofu gives this dish extra protein and the cucumber and apple add some nice crunch.

The key here is the Champagne Vinaigrette – since we don’t add water to any of our dressings, they are packed with flavor and the quinoa absorbs those flavors right up!

Sure, it’s healthy and nutritious, but it's also going to look so good on the gram!




Cucumber Dill Salad

  • 1 cucumber
  • 1/2 tbsp of dill
  • 1/2 lemon juice
  • 5 tbsp of greek yogurt

Apple Mint Salad



    1. In a medium pot, drizzle olive oil over medium heat; combine onions and garlic; add pinch of salt

    2. Once the onions and garlic are golden, add quinoa and let it cook for 2 minutes; then add white wine and water

    3. Cook to simmer

    4. Once quinoa is cooked to your liking, strain excess water


    1. On a large plate combine the Shawarma spice blend and corn starch

    2. Cube block of tofu, then transfer cubes to plate of spices and coat in spice mix

    3. In a medium saucepan, coat the pan with olive oil and bring to medium heat; once hot, add tofu and cook to your liking.

    Cucumber Dill Salad

    1. Combine diced cucumbers, greek yogurt, finely chopped dill and lemon juice from 1/2 a lemon

    Apple Mint Salad

    1. Combine diced apples, Champagne Vinaigrette, mint and lemon juice from 1/2 a lemon


    1. Start with a quinoa base and then layer the Champagne apple mix

    2. Next drizzle the greek yogurt dressing and top with cubes of tofu.

    3. Serve and enjoy!


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