SIMPLi x Matriark Gigante Beans in Tomato Basil Sauce

SIMPLi x Matriark Gigante Beans in Tomato Basil Sauce

Welcome to the SIMPLi-style Tomato Girl Summer, where we celebrate the vibrant flavors of the season and embrace sustainable culinary choices. We’re kicking things off with a delightful recipe that combines SIMPLi’s Regenerative Organic Certified® Gigante Beans, cooked to perfection, with Matriark's aromatic and luscious upcycled tomato basil sauce.

The Power of SIMPLi Regenerative Organic Certified® Gigante Beans

SIMPLi’s Gigante beans are more than meets the eye—grown with care and commitment to sustainable practices, these ‘giant’ beans contribute to the health of the soil, support biodiversity, and minimize environmental impact. Packed with essential nutrients and a creamy texture, these Gigante beans and are a perfect canvas for the tantalizing flavors of the Tomato Girl Summer aesthetic.

Matriark's Upcycled Tomato Basil Sauce

Matriark, a women-owned business and culinary trailblazer, believes in upcycling ingredients to minimize food waste and creating access to healthy, delicious food. Their Tomato Basil Sauce is a testament to their commitment to sustainability—crafted from perfectly ripe fresh tomatoes that might have otherwise gone to waste, this sauce is a true embodiment of the Tomato Girl Summer aesthetic. Bursting with tangy sweetness and aromatic basil notes, it's a delightful accompaniment to our velvety Gigante beans.

The Tomato Girl Summer Aesthetic

Imagine sitting outdoors on a warm summer evening, surrounded by vine-ripened tomatoes, lush basil plants, and vibrant flowers. The Tomato Girl Summer aesthetic captures the essence of this idyllic scene. It's a celebration of the sun-kissed freshness that only summer can bring. As you savor each bite of SIMPLi’s Gigante beans, cooked to perfection and generously coated in Matriark's upcycled tomato basil sauce, you'll be transported straight to the Tomato Girl Summer scene. Just follow our simple recipe to create your own Tomato Girl Summer experience.

SIMPLi x Matriark Tomato Girl Summer Gigante Beans in Tomato Basil Sauce



  1. Cook the gigante beans according to your preferred method until they are tender and creamy.

  2. Warm up the tomato basil sauce in a separate pan, allowing the flavors to meld together.

  3. Combine the gigante beans and tomato basil sauce, ensuring that every bean is lovingly coated in the vibrant sauce.

  4. Garnish with fresh basil leaves and a sprinkle of fresh parmesan.

  5. Serve the dish in rustic bowls and top with olive oil and salt.

SIMPLi x Matriark Gigante Beans in Tomato Basil Sauce

We recommend enjoying your creation outdoors, savoring the decadent flavors of this ridiculously simple meal. As we celebrate the Tomato Girl Summer, it's essential to make conscious choices that contribute to a better future. With SIMPLi’s Regenerative Organic Certified® Gigante Beans and Matriark's upcycled tomato basil sauce combined in one delicious dish, you can indulge in flavors that nourish your body and support sustainable farming practices. Bon appétit!

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